
"Running Away to Europe" is available on!

Book Jacket: 

"After winning a trip to London, Nicolette extends her stay and travels throughout Europe. Her adventure quickly turns into one mishap after another and her dream sabbatical goes up in flames. She leave her passport on a bus in England, gets pickpocketed in Paris, and has a fender bender on a narrow village road in the Loire Valley. She realizes just how alone she really is when she struggles to communicate in French.

Despite blogging about her adventures to the world, she vows to keep incoming communication to a minimum during her soul-searching escape. She meanders through parks, gardens, and the French country in a quest for answers. But she know her biggest struggle still lies ahead. Does she return to John in Florida? The kindest man she's ever known regardless of his shortcomings... and what about Jett? The man she told herself never to surrender her heart to. First, she must remember why she ran away to Europe to begin with.

With her vacation...err, 'run' coming to an end, the thought of figuring out where to turn next is nearly paralyzing, but she knows she can't avoid facing her future forever."


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