Reading Goals for 2018

Earlier this year, I blogged about my reading resolutions for 2018 on my other blog, Simply Colette. "To grow as writer, I need to read more. I want to make this my Literary Year. I want to read like a preteen with no summer job. I want to cancel the cable, wean myself off Hallmark movies, and stay away from social media apps... and to pick up a book and read one after another."

So far, this has been a resolution that I'm actually ahead on, and have read more books in the past six weeks than in one year for the past decade it seems. My personal goals are to: read at least three books per month, read previously awarded books, books that have been waiting patiently for me on my bookshelf, fellow author-friend's books, but mainly for the pleasure of reading.

As a writer, I often have guilt when I read, like I'm procrastinating writing and editing my next books. (Which is partially true.) But I've resolved that to become better, I need to read more books from authors I enjoy so I may learn from their craft.

My plans are to share some of the books I've read with you. More than likely, they will not always be 'new releases', or famously represented authors. They may be award winners from a decade ago, indie authors on their first book, or guilty pleasure reads.

Also, I'm not a book critic and don't believe in negative reviews. All authors work very hard and are proud of the work they have done and bravely share with the world. I respect their labor of love. If I read a book that doesn't excite me, I won't blog about it. Time is too valuable for that. I believe in, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it all." It doesn't bother me if a few typos were not caught by an indie author, because chances are they edited quite a few times on their own, opted not to give their life savings to an editor, and are not represented by a publisher who has an in-house editor to rewrite an author's story so the author can pump out their next book like a well-oiled machine.

I also don't believe in star rankings, spoilers, or book summaries. Book jackets are for summaries, and stars are for the powerhouse that demand it for advertising. I will star on those websites to support fellow authors, but have no need for it here. I will simply share what stood out to me, whether it was one particular quote or an emotion that was evoked from reading the entire book.

Photo above is January's books. 


  1. Looking forward to your book reviews. I, too, know I need to start actually reading again in order to grow as writer! The book I'm reading now is Camino Island, a gift from my brother...the second book I will be reading this year will be yours :)


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